I have learned in this unit that I do not have very good time management, and in using my time correctly, and I have learned that I could try to keep a positive attitude. I have also learned that I am pretty good at organizing my stuff as I don't like to have everything cluttered, everything in my room has to have a place where I can put it. My stress management skills are fairly good, as I try my best to stay calm and not stress over little things.

I found that going to bed earlier and getting a better night's sleep helps a lot. I wake up when my alarm goes off, instead of just turning off all my 3 alarms and then going right back to sleep. I have time to eat a breakfast and pack a healthier lunch instead of having no lunch and I don't have to rush every morning to get out the door.

I'd like to strengthen some of my personal management skills like:

Initiative: I could keep a calendar or planner and plan my schedule to keep all my activities on track, so that I don't leave everything I have to do until the last minute and that I can list what things I want to do and what has to be done.
Procrastination: I want to stop procrastinating and do my work right away when I get it. As I will use the reminders app on my phone and put what needs to done and by what time it has to be done by.
Keeping a Positive Attitude: I want to start being more positive and have a better attitude towards everything and not be thinking negatively all the time. To prevent this I can stop wasting most of my time agonizing and complaining about the work that I have to do and just do it.


Kcin Nheuk
12/10/2013 11:09:03 pm

I LOOOOOVVEEEE this website, I use it all the time and this blog is amazing!! It has helped me keep a positive and it's great!!!!!!! This is A++++ work right here!

Ts Mye
1/6/2014 02:52:09 am

Woah! It's great that you found this website, then! Super! :)


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    Nick is a Grade 10 student at the CDCI West, 15 years of age and made this website for Ms. Tye for our Careers Course.


    December 2013

