During the Personal Management unit I've learnt that I need to start using my time more effectively. I've always had problems with procrastinating, but after looking at my schedule I've seen just how bad it is. I can put important things off until the last minute while wasting my time just watching Netflix or checking Twitter for the 20th time that hour. I even have problems with putting off sleep, which might be a problem for the rest of my personal management skills. But I've been getting better. I've started putting reminders into my phone to guilt me into doing what I should be doing and I've started going to bed about a half-hour earlier than I used to.

Like I said, I really want to stop procrastinating. I've already started dealing with this by guilting myself with the phone reminders, but I should also start setting short-term and long-term goals that I can stick with instead of putting it off and saying it'll take too long/be too hard. I also want to be more organized. This sort of comes with procrastinating, but most of my time is spent ineffectively. Because I don't have a plan for how I'll spend my time it can often be wasted. To try and make this change I could start using an organizer and plan my days out so that I know when I should be doing what and force myself into doing work because it's what the almighty organizer said. Then the final change I want to make to myself is that I want to be more positive (yes, I see the irony in this site). One way I've thought about fixing this is by trying to find at least one positive thing in anything, which should hopefully subconsciously become a habit that will make me a happier, more positive person.
12/10/2013 11:05:26 pm

Wow, this was super great! It was very interesting and I'd say it's worthy of an A++. This is totally not David, just a random person. Not. David.

1/6/2014 02:53:17 am

This is super great!

This is totes not Ms Tye. Just a random. Not. Tye.


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    David is a grade 10 student at CDCI West. You already know this, unless somehow you're not Ms. Tye. In which case, I'm not sure how you found this site, but welcome!


    December 2013

